
Official representative of American Aesthetic Association in Iran

Waiting for you on Baghdad

HMD Group, under the management of Hamed Afari, has the experience of holding many beauty seminars. One of the biggest beauty workshops will be held by HMD Group from 12 to 18 September 1403. See you there. To see the archive of previous seminars, click on the option below.

days of specialized seminar

The seminar in Baghdad will be held for 6 days from 12th to 18th of September 1403


13 top beauty doctors from around the world are present in this seminar

Medical booth

30 medical booths containing the latest medical products and equipment are ready to work at the Baghdad seminar

highly specialized doctors

Through its connections, HMD Group has invited the best and most expert doctors around the world to cooperate, and we cooperate with highly professional people in our seminars and workshops.

Expertise 99%
teaching method 100%
satisfaction 99%

What do the best beauty doctors in the world say about the Baghdad seminar?

The best and most expert beauty doctors in the world have confirmed their presence in the great Baghdad workshop and are present there.

Beauty is not compulsory. Your request from us. We host you in Baghdad with training classes related to women's beauty.

Formation of HMD group

With the formation of HMD group, we planned to hold beauty standard seminars.

Holding educational seminars

By holding training seminars, HMD Group stepped in the path of its mission.

Holding a workshop in Tehran

By holding the workshop in Tehran, we took a professional step in our field of work

Big workshop in Baghdad

On 12-18 September, we will host the great seminar in Baghdad.

Baghdad seminar program calendar

Baghdad Seminar Hotels (September 2nd to 8th)

Babylon Rotana (Five Stars)

  • Single: 119,000
  • Double: 61,000
  • Triple: 52,200

The Taj (Four Stars)

  • Single: 56,900
  • Double: 30,000
  • Triple: 25,000

Bilitom (Four Stars)

  • Single: 57,900
  • Double: 30,500
  • Triple: 29,000

About HMD Group

Providing specialized training in women's beauty

The training provided in our seminars are all special and have the best possible quality. We value the health of women and their health is equal to the health of society.

Bijan Gholam Ghasemi

Technical Director of HMD Group